Why Connection Matters...Reflecting on 2010
As we embark on 2011 and think about how our connections matter, there are some great memories this past year that I briefly want to mention. We are grateful for friends, clients, and colleagues in our cherished Orange County and LA communities. This is what really matters.
Here at S. Benjamins & Company we continued to add to our network of friends with continued and new client relationships, development of our team, shared learning in the HRoundtable and growing membership within the HR Strategy Forum. Thank you Michelle, Misty, Lisa and Donna for helping us deliver the very best talent acquisition services to our clients.
This has been the year of connection. I don’t think a week went by without sharing perspectives with other HR leaders or learning from our colleagues and clients. It is our honor to be seen as a valuable connection in the Orange and LA community, with now celebrating fifteen years in our Talent Acquisition Strategy and Services firm.
This year I met some fascinating new thinkers in the human capital space. Bob Johansen, Founder of The Institute for the Future, author of “Leaders Make the Future” challenged us to think about navigating in the “VUCA” world of uncertainty. Peter Meyers, Principal of Stand & Deliver, taught our HRoundtable about the importance of the spoken word and how it still defines us – especially in high stakes conversations. We really appreciated our friend Leigh Branham’s return to So Cal for an HRSF event discussing his new book on Engagement. John Boudreau, Center for Effective Organizations also gave us insights into “ReTooling HR” and taking the decision science of business to a new level.
Our clients taught us much and we are appreciative of the relationships we have that help us deliver our best Talent Acquisition consulting and search.
Another new friend Josh Wexler, the Occom Group, shared his refreshing perspectives on Social Media and has me experimenting with new concepts and tools to accelerate our own learning curve. Josh has defined a new notion of “Connected Business.” This is all about collaboration. Through this effort, Josh says, we will see innovation, which many of us are hungry for. He entices us to define connecting beyond networking. This is more about understanding ourselves and being authentic with others. This authenticity leads to learning. Josh says, “Imagine if we spent time truly learning about and understanding our fellow employees and what makes them excited about the future.” He says the connection that comes from this sharing leads to innovation and fundamentally changes how we think about ourselves and the possibilities in our work.
Here’s to a New Year filled with connections & continued personal growth! Thank you to all of our friends, clients and thought leaders who inspire us to think outside our box and grow.
Happy Holidays!